The Truth About Manifesting Love

The Truth About Manifesting Love

truth about manifesting love

A vast majority of the information floating around on social media about manifestation is absolute bullshit, especially those posts that promise they can help you manifest a specific person (SP) in a ridiculously short amount of time. Yesterday morning I was scrolling through Instagram and saw (at least) three posts about “How to Manifest a SP in 72 Hours.” These fake promises and absurd guarantees have pissed me off, because they set people up for disappointment. The disappointment leads to believing the law of attraction isn’t real, so I am here to set the record straight. I’m also here to tell you the truth about how to use the law of attraction to manifest love.

Believe Me or Not, It’s True

The law of attraction IS real. You CAN manifest love, but it’s not an overnight quick fix.


You can manifest an intimate, loving relationship. You absolutely can. I did it. But manifesting a legit relationship in 72 hours is almost as unlikely as winning the Powerball.


No one can guarantee that you will manifest a life partner in a designated timeframe.

This may not be what you want to hear but telling you the truth will spare you a lot of heartache and disappointment. Good news is I am here to tell you how to do it the right way, because I want to see you get what you want and what you deserve.


Manifestation is all about energy. Whatever you want to manifest the frequency of your energetic vibration must match your intended desire. Hypothetically speaking, below is an overview of what this looks like in real life.

High Energetic Vibration and Quality of Relationships

High (Full of gratitude, empathy, forgiveness, happiness, enthusiasm, and kindness)

Relationship (Easy, fulfilling, loyal, loving, respectful, supportive, healthy, peaceful, and happy)

Low Energetic Vibration and Quality of Relationships

Low (Full of hatred, jealousy, resentment, guilt, shame, worry, and fear)

Relationship (Hard, draining, disloyal, hate, disrespectful, unhealthy, chaotic, and sad)


If you fall under the category of low energetic vibration, do you really think you can clean all that up in 72 hours? Clearly, this is a rhetorical question because I know the answer. The answer is a big fat NO. I can speak on this with complete confidence, and here’s why.

First, I have lived this. When I started my spiritual journey sixteen years ago, I fell under the low energetic vibration category. The men I was involved with reflected my low vibe. Hell, they were a direct result of it! But I didn’t realize I had manifested those men, because I was clueless about manifestation.

Second, I did the work to clean up my energy, and it took about five years before I was ready to meet my life partner. Not implying it will take you that long, but our energetic vibration doesn’t bottom out overnight; therefore, it cannot be cleaned up overnight. It takes time, due diligence, faith, and unwavering dedication.

Solid Advice

Here is a step-by-step guide for you to follow if you want to manifest someone who is perfect for you.

1. Figure out where you stand energetically. This gives you a good idea of how much work needs to be done.

2. Start practicing gratitude and forgiveness every single day.

3. Make a list of what you want in a partner, and be very, very specific.

4. Envision your life with your ideal partner. Spend (at least) 15 minutes per day doing this.

5. Forget about time.

6. Forget about how this person will find you.

7. Clear out space for this person in your home.

8. Buy a wedding band or engagement ring and wear it on your left ring finger.

9. Express gratitude for your loving, healthy, respectful, loyal relationship as though you already have it.

10. Do things that make you feel good. Make feeling good your number one priority.


Meditation will help you execute the ten tasks listed above with complete fidelity. If my list feels overwhelming, meditate. Meditate each day until you feel ready to tackle this list. Choose a meditation that’s right for you. It can be as little as two minutes daily. Two minutes is better than nothing, and eventually two minutes will turn into ten minutes and then twenty to thirty minutes.

It’s All Worth It

Anything great is worth fighting for. To attract in someone wonderful you must be wonderful. My list will get you there because each exercise raises your energetic vibration. Being in unfulfilling, dead end, abusive, toxic relationships significantly lower the quality of your life because the low energies trickle down and infiltrate every aspect of your world. Being alone is healthier. After all, you’re already alone if you’re committed to a toxic partner.

Something to Ponder

In my case, I was repeating a pattern that started with the women in my family decades ago. The women in my family settled for a less than mediocre life and that sucky life involved one abusive man after another, which resulted in a vicious cycle of women never getting what they wanted. It took almost thirty years for me to realize that all men are not abusive, and that emotional torture is not normal. If your relationships are like something out of a horror flick, think about what beliefs are buried in your subconscious mind about intimate relationships. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What did my upbringing teach me about relationships?
  • How do I feel about intimate relationships?
  • Do my relationships have a pattern of abuse?
  • Am I deserving of someone wonderful?
  • What are my beliefs about love?

Until you get to the bottom of the problem, you cannot find a solution. For instance, if you answer “no” to the fourth question, you have some inner work to do before you can attract in the right person. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to manifest a wonderful person in a short amount of time. The inner work must be done first, and you’ll never regret doing it.

Don’t Give Up

If you feel like my article speaks to you, don’t give up. Stay the course. My website is an excellent support system. Visit and sign up for my monthly newsletter. It has tons of FREE and EASY spiritual tools you can use right away to raise your energetic vibration to match that of your greatest desires, including loving relationships.

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