Paula Swope's Certifications


College Education

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 

Master of Public Administration


Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach (CWEC)


Student at the Maharishi International University (MIU) 


Gabby Bernstein’s Bestseller Masterclass 2021 Alumni


Paula is a Certified Chopra Meditation Instructor



Trained in Transcendental Meditation


Paula's First Book Debuted on August 11, 2024

Thought SNOB: The Modern Spiritual Playbook For A Better Life is available in three formats: Paperback, Kindle, and Audiobook. Click here to purchase your copy today!

Paula's cutting-edge, trademarked Thought SNOB (See New Objective Beliefs) method makes the transformation experience fun and demystifies life and how it works. A Thought Snob is an archetype—a personality that a person takes on to be better. It's like the concept of the Pioneer Woman because it's a lifestyle and a way of thinking. A Thought Snob is like a Superwoman or Superman because Thought Snobs tap into their special qualities that serve as a Superpower. Paula wrote this masterpiece to help people identify, learn, and cultivate their innate special powers. 

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