30 manifestation exercises (one for each day of the month)
Access to a private Facebook group, which Paula likes to refer to as the "Manifest Mafia."
Invitations to Zoom gatherings for a safe space to talk about challenges and success stories
The 30-Day Manifestation Challenge is designed for the beginner, the new spiritual seeker looking to make significant changes.
About ten years ago, Paula Swope participated in a Manifestation Challenge with one of her favorite spiritual gurus, Dr. Wayne Dyer. It changed her life. It changed her life because it taught her how to live on purpose, and you get what you want when you live on purpose. All the time.
Challenges are scientifically proven to help you create new, good habits; that is exactly how the 30-Day Manifestation Challenge is designed. Participating in something like this teaches you how to adopt a new way of living, a lifestyle that delivers optimal results and a higher quality of life.
When she created the lessons, Paula kept her younger, lost self in mind. She learned by trial and error. She made every mistake there is to make, so learn from her hard-earned wisdom. Why go at this alone when you can have Paula to hold your hand? Paula's Manifestation Challenges are evergreen. They never expire and you can go at your own pace.
Personalized Goal-Setting with Paula
Approach your goals incrementally with an intention to ignite monumental changes.
30 Days of Manifestation Exercises
Self-empowerment and divine wisdom delivered to your inbox daily.
Support After the Challange
Available to you for a lifetime through archived videos and regularly scheduled live virtual sessions with Paula and special guests.
Participating in Paula’s 30-Day Manifestation Challenge teaches you how to speak in a way that sends powerful messages to the Universe about what you want and whom you intend to be.
Paula calls this kind of transition going from havoc to happiness. Are you ready? Join today for $37. If your way isn't working, why not?
Participating in this Challenge enables you to take advantage of so many life-changing benefits that include, but are not limited to, the following:
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