Life Syllabus: 25 Things to Live By

Life Syllabus: 25 Things to Live By

Invest in yourself

Pay for high quality education and coaching that increases your emotional intelligence. Strong emotional intelligence is worth its weight in platinum. It will take you further than anything else.

Be selfish

You were not put on this earth to people please. Say “No” to anything that disempowers you. Say “Yes” to everything that empowers you.

Kill that Jealousy

Jealousy is an interchangeable term with hate. It drags you down and lowers your energetic vibration. Stop comparing yourself to others. When you’re tempted by envy, make the shift to empathy. Think about the struggles that person has gone through. The beautiful ones have trauma, too.

Master the Art of Manifestation

Make manifestation work for you instead of against you. Then you can create enough wealth to say “No” to everything you don’t want and “Yes” to everything you do want.

Look Good

Looks matter. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Looking your best will take you far in this life.

Feel Good

Do something that makes you feel good every day until feeling good is your norm. Feeling good is the only way you can attract in miracles.

Smell Good

Ever heard the saying, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness?” Well, it’s true.

Hold Off on Marriage

Do not get married until your brain is fully developed. Therefore, don’t even consider it until you’re at least 25 years old.

Rely on Instinct

Base your decisions on what your intuition tells you to do instead of what your friends and family tell you to do. Your intuition is never wrong, but humans are. This strategy has another added benefit. You aren’t telling people your business.

Allow Burning Desires to Guide You

If you want something really bad, you’re meant to have it. That’s why you want it. Your burning desire is your intuition’s way of telling you this. When something is meant for you, the burning desire will never go away until you act on it. A burning desire is significantly related to your life purpose.

Tap Into the Law of Attraction

Use your five senses to do this. Whatever you want, attract it to you through seeing it, smelling it, hearing it, touching it, and tasting it.

Be Happy Alone

Learn to be happy alone. When you enjoy your own company, you’re never alone. That way, when you meet the right person, and you settle down your happiness isn’t contingent on them.

Have a Pet

Love an animal. Take care of an animal and provide a great life for it. Nine times out of ten we only experience unconditional love from animals.

Achieve Self-Reliance

Live on your own. Pay your own bills. Be savagely independent. Make your own rules and live by those unapologetically. Be self-reliant. THEN join forces with someone else.

Find Value in Your Enemies

Instead of hating your enemies, see them as your greatest teachers. You’ll forgive them easier this way.

Be Keenly Aware of How You Feel

Pay attention to how you feel about everything and everybody. Most answers lie in how you feel. If you get a bad vibe around someone, pay attention to that. When something feels off, it’s off. When something feels right, dive in!

Forgive Easily

Practice forgiveness and know that forgiveness is for you not the abuser. Holding grudges will eventually make you sick, which means your abuser has massive power over you. Don’t allow that.

Limit Your Time in the Sun

Don’t let anyone tell you that your complexion causes you to be immune to skin damage and melanoma. That’s a lie. Enjoy the sun, but don’t overindulge. Invest in excellent sunscreen and use it religiously. Fun can be had in the shade, too.

Eat Healthy

Feeling good should be a top priority, and the foods you eat have a profound impact on how you feel. Eat something green every day. Keep driving past the Popeye’s. Don’t stop. View fast food as toxic waste. Consume alcohol and sugary foods in moderation. And for God’s sake…don’t binge drink.

Break a Sweat Daily

Engage in some type of physical exercise daily. Find a physical activity that you love and do it as often as possible. You’ll feel better and you’ll look better. Exercise is the best way to reverse aging.

Practice Meditation

Until you meditate daily, you probably won’t raise your energetic vibration to match that of your greatest desires. It’s very difficult for your dreams to find their way through the thousands of racing thoughts that do not serve your highest good. Meditation eliminates those significantly and helps you to stay calm even in the face of disaster.

Relax More, Work Less

Relax and have fun more than you work. If you can relax and have fun while you work that’s the key to having it all.

Feel Grateful

Find something each day to feel grateful for. Gratitude raises your energetic vibration to match that of miracles and abundance. Gratitude also counteracts feelings of worthlessness, self-pity, and disappointment.

Don’t Waste Time and Energy Trying to Change Someone

You can’t change anyone. Don’t try. Don’t beg them to change. Instead, help them grow. In the event they won’t grow with you, let them go. Be selfish. If you see that someone doesn’t have your best interests at heart, walk away gracefully and with your dignity fully intact.

Avoid Developing Feelings for a Narcissist

Narcissists are not on every corner, but if you encounter one do not invest any real feelings or attachments to this person. They do not genuinely love you, and you will end up getting hurt if you choose to love them. Spend your time and devote your precious love to people who love and respect you.


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