The Poverty-Invaded Mindset: Five Actions to Get Rid of It

The Poverty-Invaded Mindset: Five Actions to Get Rid of It

The most beautiful, demented, misunderstood piece of artwork to ever be displayed — The Poverty-Invaded Mindset (PIM) — the real silent killer. Let’s talk about it.

Those of us that were raised in poverty-mindset dominated environments were brainwashed before we even knew what was happening. Poverty infiltrates the subconscious mind like a virus invades the brain. The subconscious mind becomes “ill,” and the carrier doesn’t have a clue, because they can’t feel any real symptoms. But the symptoms are EVERYWHERE.

At any angle, poverty can be seen. You can see the despair, the scarcity, the disease, addiction, obesity, hunger, suicide, domestic violence, and outright sadness. I lived with PIM for almost 30 years, and my mindset caused a lot of unnecessary heartache. But like most people with PIM, I had no clue what had happened to me. My subconscious mind was filled with trash, and the old beliefs were manifesting at a rapid pace creating a less than pleasant world to live in.

I was surrounded by poverty. I didn’t have enough of anything, tangible and non-tangible, my whole world was lacking in abundance, love, perfect health, and happiness. The ideas that were planted in my subconscious mind during childhood grew and by the time I became an adult my subconscious mind was buried in bloodroot.

The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between the truth and lies. It believes whatever you tell it to believe. If you feel like you have PIM, there is a simple solution. Change your narrative. Start telling your subconscious mind a different story, a story that serves your highest good. Here is a list of actions you can take right now to start the process of cleaning up your subconscious mind.

1. Start journaling before bedtime but take a different approach. Journal in the present tense about how you wish your day had gone. This is fun, and it puts you in a better mood. Doing this each night has cumulative effects. The more you do this the quicker you’ll rewire those old beliefs that are holding you back. Before you know it, those mock journal entries become your truth.

2. It only takes 68 seconds of pure thought to ignite the manifestation process. Design a mantra that reflects what you want to manifest. Say that mantra (at least) 3x before noon, 3x in the afternoon, and 3x at night. Use my video if you like until you come up with your own mantra: Paula Swope (@pbswope111) TikTok | Watch Paula Swope’s Newest TikTok Videos.

3. Meditate. Works like a charm. I am a devoted practitioner of Transcendental Meditation. If you don’t have a meditation practice, check out

4. Choose to see things differently at least once per day. For instance, find beauty in something you typically define as ugly. Compliment someone you’re a little jealous of. Resist the urge to argue. Stop getting offended. These small actions lead to monumental changes.

5. Refrain from talking about your problems to anyone. Bite your tongue. The repetition of talking about your problems every single day is how you manifest people and situations that you don’t want. Plus, complaining nourishes PIM, and your goal needs to be to starve it out.

Each of these actions is quick, easy, and free. You can start using these tools right now without spending one penny. This is a situation where the best things in life are free, because these five actions have potential to revamp your entire existence.

My life purpose is to help you find your life purpose. Check out and sign up for my monthly newsletter. On the 15th of each month my newsletter goes out and it’s filled with spiritual tools just like the ones above. Free. Easy-to-use. Effective. No bullshit.

I appreciate your interest in my work. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my article.

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