The #1 Goal of Every Master Manifester

The #1 Goal of Every Master Manifester

LOA 101

The #1 Goal of Every Master Manifester

No, it’s not positive thinking. It’s not being a goody two shoes either. The number one goal of any Master Manifester is to feel good. Viewing how you feel through the lens of manifestation requires you to think about everything in terms of energy. You attract what you are, so if your energy is rooted in shame, guilt, and anger that’s what is attracted to you. On the other hand, if your energy vibrates at the frequency of love, gratitude, and peace then you attract abundance and all that word entails.

Manifestation is all about energy. When you think about manifestation, think about it as energy.

So, you’re probably asking, “How do I improve my energetic vibration?” The list below contains several energy-enhancers that when used repeatedly over time will raise your energetic vibration to match the good things you want.


Meditation has remarkable health benefits, and anyone who has mastered manifestation meditates. Find a meditation practice that works for you and forget about sitting a certain way or breathing a certain way. Meditation should not be complicated. It can be as simple as daydreaming about your greatest desires for a few minutes each day.

I designed some simple, super easy guided meditations. If you want to experiment with those, check out my YouTube channel — (4) Paula Swope — YouTube.

Stop Talking about Your Problems

That friend or family member you talk to on the phone each night for hours, stop doing that if you are talking about your problems. Venting is good and healthy, but vent and let it go. Talking about your problems ALL THE TIME manifests more problems, especially when low energy emotions are attached to your conversations. When you speak about your problems, do you feel yourself getting angry or sad? If so, you’re attracting in people, things, and experiences that you don’t want.

Resist the urge to tell your story the way it’s always been. Start talking about how you want it to be. Get excited about the new life you’re creating for yourself. When you turn the tables and stop rehashing what has always been, you’ll see results.

Try this. Let’s say you complain about your job and those complaints dominate most of your conversations. The next time someone asks you how your job is going, respond with this:

“It’s not my dream job, but I’m grateful for it because it provides what I need now. I am on the lookout for an opportunity that allows me to earn money doing what I love to do, and I know it’s coming for me soon. I appreciate you asking about my job. That’s very thoughtful.”


Whatever interferes with getting excellent sleep every single night rid your life of it. No one can feel good if they are sleep deprived.


Even though your life might not be exactly how you want it to be, you have things you can be grateful for. Say “Thank You” for those things each day. During challenging times when you can’t muster up the energy to feel grateful, express gratitude for your breath.


An unwillingness to forgive attracts in negative experiences. Holding a grudge hurts you and only you. Forgiving a person who wronged you takes away their power and sets you free. Forgiveness is for YOU and only YOU. Forgiving someone does not mean that you continue your relationship with them or that you condone their behavior. It means you have chosen to let go of the low energy emotions you have been burdened by because of this person.

Forgiveness is challenging for most of us. For me, it was painfully challenging, because the ones I needed to forgive didn’t give two shits about how I felt. The only way I was able to forgive anyone was through empathy. When you take a person’s past into consideration you often find out they were taught to be abusive; therefore, you can’t take anything they do personally. Activate your empathy button and think about why the person abused you. Monsters create monsters and knowing that your abuser was influenced by another monster makes it easier to forgive their actions.

Say “No”

Stop people pleasing. Saying “yes” when you really want to say “no” is an absolute feel-good energy killer. Think about it. How do you feel when you sacrifice your own needs and peace to give someone else what they need? You feel miserable. Misery attracts more misery, so be careful with this one. It’s totally OK to be selfish, especially with your time. Saying “no” makes you less susceptible to energy thieves.

Feeling good is a priority for master manifesters because we attract what we are, and we protect our sacred energy space at all costs. If you haven’t been able to make the Law of Attraction work for you in the past, it might be because you are doing things that cause you to feel bad. Becoming aware of these behaviors is life-changing because we often operate on subconscious auto pilot. Take a moment to think about the things you do daily that might be lowering the vibrational frequency of your energy and write those things down. Go one by one and find a way to either eliminate those things or keep them to a bare minimum.

Everyone needs a spiritual mentor to help them navigate the process of living on purpose. Fortunately, you have me because my life purpose is to help you find your life purpose. If you haven’t visited and subscribed to my newsletter, please do so! I also invite you to share this article as you see fit. So many people are using the Law of Attraction for the first time in their lives, and they need a support system.

Thank you for your time. I greatly appreciate it. I LOVE questions, so ask away!

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