Law of Attraction Might Cause Your Life to Fall Apart: Five Things to Know

Law of Attraction Might Cause Your Life to Fall Apart: Five Things to Know

Those traditional pathways to success failed. You realized what you were socialized to believe about how life works was wrong. So, you found another way, a nontraditional pathway to success, called the Law of Attraction (LOA).

You decided to give it a whirl after hearing tons of miraculous stories about how so many people changed their lives with LOA. After a few months of practicing LOA concepts, you notice some minor changes, but nothing major. Then, without warning, your life starts to fall apart. You’re thinking, “What in the hell is going on? I thought my life was supposed to get better with LOA!”

I’m being dead serious when I say this. If you are new to LOA, and your world is crumbling, you need to celebrate.

Here’s the deal. Your life must fall apart for your desires to manifest. All Master Manifesters experience this. I certainly did. It was the scariest, loneliest time of my life. Now, I look back on that era and smile because it’s abundantly clear how hard the Universe worked to get me to where I am today.

If you’ve been using LOA for the first time in your life, and your world seems to be even more chaotic than usual, then everything is going the way it should. Here is an overview of specific things you experience when the frequency of your energy is increasing to match that of your desires.

Number Sequences

They start following you. You’ll look up at the clock and it’s 1:11. A car passes by, and you see 333 on its license plate. Your groceries are $55.55. When your manifestations are coming to fruition, you see number sequences every day. If you just see a number sequence once, probably doesn’t mean anything. Seeing them consistently is when you know your desires are manifesting and you are on the right track. The Universe is communicating with you to let you know you need to rest easy, because you’re getting everything you want.


Be prepared to have your mind blown. Moments of synchronicity are true magic, and the best confirmation you can receive about your alignment with Source. Synchronicity is rare, so pay attention when you think about a song and then hear it. Pay attention when you think about someone and then you run into them.

In June 2013, I was deep into my spiritual practices. One of the manifestations I had been focusing on was love. Several months prior, I finally walked out of the dead-end relationship I had been in for seven years and was completely content with my own company for the first time in my life. I wanted to find my soulmate, but I wasn’t chasing him. I was attracting him. I had an inner knowing that this person was going to show up, but I had surrendered at that time. I no longer thought about how long it was going to take. I had learned to be infinitely patient.

On my way to work one morning, I thought about the song, “Happiness Was Lubbock, TX in My Rearview Mirror.” Typically, I made my morning commute in silence, but that morning was different. When that song randomly crossed my mind, I reached down without even thinking and I turned my radio on. That song was playing. It knocked me off my feet so hard that I almost had to pull my car over. Before I even had time to digest what had happened, I looked at the clock and it said 8:11. 811 is a powerful angel number for twin flames.

I knew something significant was happening, and I was overcome by a feeling of happiness and confidence like I had never felt before. On July 3, 2013, I met the man who is now my husband. Three weeks later, I got a huge job promotion.

Life Gets Harder

Strap on your seatbelt. Any person you keep company with that does not have your best interests at heart will be removed from your life. If you’re in a situation that makes you miserable, you’ll be forced to step out of it. You will be taken out of your comfort zone like never before because your thoughts have changed. For instance, if you hate your job, but you cling to it because you’re afraid of not being able to make money doing what you love, the Universe is going to force you out of that job.

The job example is only one example. With me, shit fell apart in every aspect of my life, and it happened fast. It was a snowball effect that started with a letter I got in the mail. That one letter set me up for the life I’m living today, but at the time I was scared out of my mind. My fear subsided rather quickly, though, which leads to the next topic.

Peaceful, Easy Feeling

When you sense that your life is taking a turn for the worse, you’ll be fearful at first, but that fear doesn’t linger. Once the newness of the “disaster” wears off, fear turns into confidence and confidence turns into peace and peace turns into infinite patience. It’s near impossible to explain how it feels when it’s happening, but you can feel it. I often refer to it as being on autopilot. Instinctively, you have an inner knowing that everything is OK. No matter how rough it gets, you do not react with your usual frantic energy.

Not reacting was a miracle within itself for me, because my typical mode of operation was to respond with anger, desperation, and outright stupidity to anyone or any situation that rattled my cage. After making LOA work for me, I was more present than I had been before, and this gave me power. For the first time in my life, I was able to stop, think, and be aware of what was happening. Behaving this way kept me calm and silent, and those two things expanded into an unswayable confidence about everything that was happening around me. I realized how powerful I was.

When you go from feeling powerless to powerful, that’s a key indicator you are in alignment with your Divine Source. You feel powerful even though your life still reflects weakness. At this stage of manifestation, you are being Divinely guided, and that’s where the confidence, and the peaceful, easy feelings come from. During times like these, I feel like I’m being pushed by the strongest force I’ve ever encountered. It’s a force that can’t be stopped, and I feel invincible when it shows up.

Pay attention when this happens, and fully embrace that force. It has shown up to take you to the next level. Trust your intuition. Be infinitely patient. Stay true to your favorite spiritual exercises, and the force will keep you grounded while your life falls apart. There’s a miracle waiting for you on the other side of falling apart. Keep your eye on the miracle.

New People

Anyone who cannot help you get to the next level will exit your life. Anyone who cannot go with you to the next level will exit your life. You probably know who needs to go, but you are attached to those relationships. Let them go. They must make an exit before the right people can make an entrance. You are what you eat, but you’re also who you associate with. Trust the Universe when people start dropping off like flies.

LOA is simple yet so complex, and there’s a lot to know. If you’re new to this lifestyle, my article should help you tremendously. Now, you have an awareness of why your life seems to be getting worse when you’ve been trying to make it better. The old saying, “the darkest hour is just before the dawn,” is actually very accurate. That’s exactly how it happens when you start living on purpose.

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