Unhappiness attracts more unhappiness. You must rid your world of people and behaviors that cause unhappiness. Try these six steps. These six steps are glorious for so many reasons. First, they work. Second, you do not have to spend money (except on #2). Third, you can start using these steps today.
The number one key to happiness is to surround yourself with healthy people, nontoxic personalities. Take inventory of the people around you and think about how they make you feel. If they make you feel nervous, guilty, scared, worried, or resentful, they are robbing you of happiness. Do not allow people to hijack your positive energy. Toxic people love to do this.
If you do not feel well, you cannot be happy. A key to improving the way you feel is drinking water. Did you know “water stimulates the flow of nutrients and hormones that release those feel-good endorphins you need to feel happy?” Each day, I consume (at least) 64 ounces of water before noon. On an average day, I take in over 80 ounces of water daily. Invest in high quality water, such as Fiji or Core. Your body is your temple. It deserves the best.
Stop setting expectations for how another person should behave. If you expect a person to act a certain way, you are going to end up disappointed nine times out of ten. Are you a person that gets easily offended? If so, I bet you expect people to act a certain way. This behavior is a happiness thief.
Stop reacting. When you feel yourself becoming upset or angry, take a moment to breathe and think about the reality of the situation. Before you react, ask yourself this question – Is this situation going to matter one year from now? Most likely, in day-to-day situations, it is not going to be relevant in one year. Thinking this way is proactive. Try it. It will serve you well. Having the willpower to stop reacting raises your level of emotional intelligence, helping you control your emotions.
You may or may not realize this, but you have total control over your emotions. You do not have to get upset over anything. Allowing negative emotions in is a choice. Of course, I am not referring to situations where you lose a loved one or any other heartbreaking scenario. I am referring to average day-to-day occurrences that trigger negative emotions, like a disagreement with a co-worker, not finding a parking space, or not getting the attention you feel entitled to. Being proactive keeps you from losing your shit.
Money does not and will not make you happy if you are an unhealthy, unhappy person. Accept this as truth. Happiness does not have a price tag. Money and material things are only a source of happiness, and what you will find is when you achieve true happiness the wealth follows. Happiness attracts wealth. Wealth is a high energy and poverty is a low energy. When you are happy, the Universe matches you with like energies. When you are happy, you are a magnet for wealth.
Years ago, when I was poor and starting my metaphysics journey, I learned a trick from Louise Hay. In case you do not know who she is, Louise taught positive philosophy and was a self-help guru. The trick I learned from Louise was to look in the mirror and say, “You are a Magnet for Divine Prosperity. You are a Money Magnet.” I felt so unbelievably stupid doing this, but I did it every morning every single day of my life until I believed what I was saying. Try this trick. After some time has passed, you will start to believe what you are saying, and that is when the magic happens.
Adopt a meditation practice. Even if you reject the idea of meditating, do it, especially if you are unhappy. Meditation brings happiness. I was miserable when I first started meditating. Meditation changed my whole world.
I wish someone had laid this information out for me when I was a teenager. Being armed with this intelligence at a young age would have prevented so much unnecessary heartache. Using these six steps has helped me create so many miracles. You can do the exact same thing. I am no smarter or any more special than you. Remember what I told you from the very beginning. The Universe is an Equal Opportunity Employer.