Rich keep getting richer and the poor barely get by. If it were not for bad luck, I would not have any luck at all.
These sayings have been passed down generation after generation throughout history. They are profound because there is a reason the rich keep getting richer. There is a reason some people are unlucky while others cannot lose.
The way you think determines your “luck.” Every thought you have ever had has played a role in where you are today. Are your thoughts focused on perfect health or do you live in fear of getting sick? The LAST thing you want to do during a crisis is to think worst case scenario. The COVID-19 Pandemic is a perfect example of a time when you can use the laws of attraction to stay healthy and safe. If you worry about catching the virus, you are more likely to catch it. Any kind of worry is a negative thought that attracts in more negativity.
My goal with this first blog is to increase your awareness of what you think about the most. This is to get you on a path of thinking more positive thoughts.
Start by taking inventory of your daily thoughts. The best way to keep track is to document your thoughts in a journal. If you do not like to write, then simply pay attention to your inner dialogue. For instance, when you see an attractive person, are you jealous? Do you judge that person because you are jealous of their physical appearance? If you feel this way towards others this is textbook negative thinking.
Do you have a friend that has more material wealth than you? Are you jealous of that person or are you happy for that person? If you are jealous and if you compare your life to your friend’s life to the point that you feel badly about yourself, this is negative thinking.
When an opportunity comes your way, how do you feel about it? Do you automatically think, “I can’t?” Thinking you can’t is a negative, self-defeating thought that causes you to attract in more negativity and failure. A positive thinking person gets excited about a new opportunity and never second guesses their capabilities. I want you to see the difference between positive and negative thinking patterns.
During this COVID-19 Pandemic, people are losing their jobs and filing for unemployment. If you are one of those people, how do you feel? Are you worried? If so, are you spending your time talking about the situation with others? Are you on the phone with your friends saying things like, “This is going to bankrupt me.” This is the type of negative thinking that WILL bankrupt you. Remember the Universe gives you what you think about the most.
When you talk about your negative feelings, you give them power. The Universe is always paying attention and giving you what you think about and speak about.
Over the next 48 hours, I want you to become aware and pay attention to your most dominant thoughts. When you realize you are thinking negatively, simply recognize the thought and make a shift in your thinking. Shift that negative thought to something more positive. For instance, if you have a thought that you are going to contract the coronavirus, that’s ok. Notice the thought. Then say to yourself, or say out loud, “I am perfect health.” Every time your mind starts to play tricks on you, make a shift with a positive thought or a positive affirmation.
Here are some simple affirmations for you to use over the next 48 hours to deter negative thoughts.
If you are worried about your finances and your mind is in fifth gear running numbers and figuring out how much money you owe, become aware of the thoughts. Take a few deep breaths and realize your mind is playing tricks on you. Say to yourself or say out loud, “I am wealthy.” Say and think, “I intend to feel good.” Repeat these affirmations over and over.
When you are jealous of others, notice the feelings. Do not force these feelings out. Experiencing jealousy is human nature, but jealousy hurts YOU not the other person. Jealousy creeps in, so when it does, the first step to taming these thoughts is to recognize them. Once you recognize them, say to yourself and say out loud, “I am grateful. I am loved.”
Do not put pressure on yourself during this process. Keep in mind a lifetime of negative thinking cannot be reversed in one day or two. Set realistic expectations for yourself for the next 48 hours. This is nothing more than a self-exploratory exercise to help you become more aware of the quality of your thoughts, so you can shift your thought patterns when you are thinking negatively.