Transcendental Meditation Gives You Superhuman Strength
Paula Swope
Transcendental Meditation (TM), hands down, is the greatest investment I ever made in myself. TM is a simple practice founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that anyone can master right away. Other forms of meditation were not as effective (for me) because they involved “work.” I had to get the practice right before I could reap any real benefits, but this is not the case with TM. I started reaping benefits immediately. 

There is always good news and bad news, right? I will start with what you might perceive as the bad news. TM requires a monetary investment as well as a time commitment. To get started you must receive one-on-one instruction from a certified TM teacher, and there is a fee attached to this training. The training takes three days. Once you get the legwork out of the way, you are good to go for the rest of your life. TM is a tool you can use forever. 

Have you ever experienced true bliss? Let me describe what I mean by true bliss. True bliss is feeling as though everything is perfect and I do not have a worry in the world. When you transcend, which is what TM helps us do, you feel true bliss in that moment. Before TM, I had never, for a second, in my life felt like everything was ok. In a moment of happiness, my ego stepped in and told me, “Don’t be foolish. This happiness will not stick. You will lose it. Remember everything that is wrong in your life.” TM absolutely ridded my mind of those stupid, useless lies. 

TM works even if you do not believe it works. I learned this during my training in the summer of 2017. This is an evidence-based practice backed by empirical data. TM is effective in reducing blood pressure, anxiety, all stress-related conditions, increasing brain function, promoting cardiovascular health, reducing the appearance of aging, reducing depression, eliminating insomnia, and helps with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The only effort you put forth is being dedicated to practicing TM twice daily in 20-minute increments. If you do not practice twice daily, it will not work. There is no way around this. You practice once before breakfast and once before dinner. You need to practice your TM two hours before or after you eat. The slower your metabolism, the better your meditations are. 

Throughout my lifetime, I have struggled with high blood pressure. At 22, my blood pressure was 150/110. At 43, my blood pressure is perfect. Since childhood, my anxiety has been through the roof, which aggravated my blood pressure. Not anymore. Most of the time, I am at peace. Even when difficult situations arise, I do not come unglued, and I do not worry near as much as I used to, if at all. If anxiety or worry creeps in, it goes away quickly. Even in the middle of a scary pandemic, I have not worried. I instinctively know I will be fine, and my family will be fine. 

Years ago, I started taking Xanax to ease my anxiety, especially during times when I had to speak publicly, fly on an airplane, or during times when I knew social anxiety would debilitate me. For example, going out to bars in my hometown was a trigger for social anxiety because fights and arguments broke out after hours and hours of binge drinking. Before a night out on the town, I anticipated these negative events happening and the anticipation gave me great anxiety. I popped a Xanax to deal. 

As I got deeper and deeper into metaphysics, my nights out on the town diminished. The calmer my mind and body got the less I wanted to engage with negative people and negative behaviors; however, the anxiety was still there. When I knew I had to fly on an airplane or do public speaking or meet new people, the anxiety took me over and I felt as though I was shaking from the inside out. The anxiety caused chronic fatigue, foggy brain, racing thoughts, weight gain, digestive issues, and gastrointestinal issues. Not to mention the high blood pressure. TM has taken care of all of this. Magically. I have not taken a Xanax since 2017. 

Going into TM is just like going into metaphysics. Your focus is on taking actions, like meditating, making a vision board, and saying positive affirmations instead of focusing on changing your behavior. Your behavior magically changes without any effort on your part. I did not go into TM thinking I needed to step relying on Xanax. Magically, I stopped relying on it without even thinking about it. One year went by and I realized, “Holy shit. I haven’t taken a Xanax in one year.” 

My sense of humor is something I have always been known for. When I struggled with anxiety, I lost my ability to think on my feet. I was not as clever. TM put me back to my natural state, and my natural state is being lightning on my feet. Again, this happened magically without any effort on my part. 

In my book that I am working on, you learn about why I developed anger issues. Like most of us, I had a lot of family problems that resulted in bad relationships with other people and self-esteem issues and guilt and resentment and all of those negative feelings that cause us to hold on to anger with a death grip. Anger is like anxiety. It is debilitative and does not serve us well in any way, shape, form, or fashion. TM rids your mind and body of anger. It is the most unbelievable thing. Life after TM is a life without anger. 

Now, do not get me wrong. When I encounter an annoying, difficult personality, I get irritated. But I rarely, very rarely, allow that pesky irritation to turn into full blown anger. TM gives me the power to tame it and tame it relatively fast. Usually, if I feel a twinge of anger, it is gone within 24 hours versus 24 years. 

TM helped me release anger without any effort. Suddenly, I woke up one morning, this was probably 3-4 months after I had been practicing TM, and I was not mad anymore at anyone. I harbored deep anger towards many, many people, and I had carried that anger with me for way over two decades. It is a wonder I did not walk lopsided from the 200-pound chip that resided on my shoulder. For example, the man I was involved with for eight years (before I met my husband) was a notorious womanizer. After I broke away from him, I felt a strong hatred towards him for treating me the way he did. When I thought about him, I felt rage, and the hatred and anger were so strong that the feelings made me physically ill at times. 

Without trying, I was able to forgive him and numerous others and let that useless anger go. When you are no longer angry at someone, that is a sign you have truly forgiven that person, and at that point you have won. Before TM, I was not able to do this with complete fidelity and authenticity. I said I had forgiven someone, but I really had not. I could still feel anger when I thought about those who had wronged me. Not anymore. It is as though I could care less. It is magic. TM is a magic potion. 

I have always been a hard worker, but I have often worked hard and not accomplished much. I have also worked hard for pennies. Dedicate my whole life to a job and have nothing to show for it. That was my life before TM. Maharishi says, “Exert Less, Enjoy More.” I was confused when I first heard him say this, but it makes total sense to me now. TM gives you superhuman strength. I do not work as hard because I am guided all the time by a divine force, and the TM keeps me connected to that source. I am three times as productive without additional effort. I am three times as smart without even thinking. With less work, and less effort, I make three times as much money as I did prior to TM. 

Again, TM is a secret weapon. It is a magic potion. It is the key to true happiness, success, health, and all that the word “wealth” encompasses. I thank God that I found it, and I encourage you to do the same. 

I will leave you with this - 

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