Predictions, Psychology & Astrology: How will the Pluto Retrograde Affect You?

Special Guest: Ra Rishikavi Raghudas
October 15, 2024
Predictions, Psychology & Astrology: How will the Pluto Retrograde Affect You?
October 15, 2024

Paula invited Ra to the show to provide an expert analysis of Pluto's being in Capricorn since 2008. Not only did Ra fully educate her about the impacts this astrological event has had on the world, but he also talked about what to expect from Pluto's retrograde. 

Astrology affects us personally on a profound level, and it can be used as an invaluable tool. You want to make sure to catch this episode!   Ra is a professional astrologer with over 40 years of experience. He created the STAR BLESSED astrology series and works as a consulting astrologer. Every day, prominent business and entertainment industry figures call on Ra for expert advice, including Paula.

Ra is full of surprises! He is also a renowned poet, screenwriter, producer, and author who mixes astrology with show business. On his Astro Oscars show, he predicts who will take home the Oscars with incredible accuracy purely through astrology.

Speaking of predictions, in this episode, Paula and Ra use astrology to predict who will win the Presidential election.

Ra can be reached for consultations through his website, Paula strongly encourages you to book a reading with him. 

Predictions, Psychology & Astrology: How will the Pluto Retrograde Affect You?

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