How One Woman's Kindness Sparked a National Movement

Special Guest: Karen Olson
October 22, 2024
How One Woman's Kindness Sparked a National Movement
October 22, 2024

If there's one thing that Paula loves, it's real life heroes. Karen Olson is a real life hero and the epitome of what a pillar of strength looks like. Paula admits she had to hold back tears several times during this interview. The trajectory of Karen's life changed unexpectedly after she met a homeless lady named Millie.

Karen is the CEO and emeritus of Family Promise, a nonprofit that serves nearly a quarter of a million people annually. For her work, Karen received the prestigious Annual Points of Light Award from President George H.W. Bush. She shared some pretty interesting details about her time spent at the White House the evening she received this award. Michael Jackson was there!

Watch or listen to Paula's interview with Karen and find out how looking outside yourself and helping others has the power to turn tragedy into triumph.

To learn more about Karen, visit her website: Karen Olson, Author ( 

How One Woman's Kindness Sparked a National Movement

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