Of course, narcissists can manifest. They might even be better at it than we are.
I was conducting a live workshop last week about the law of attraction, and someone chimed in and asked this question:
Can narcissists manifest? Does karma ever catch up with them?
Best. Question. EVER.
Here’s the lowdown from my perspective, and my view is based on personal experience and primary research. I am not qualified to diagnose anyone with anything, but I can speak on narcissism and manifestation from an informed standpoint. Narcissism can be studied, but if you do not have direct experience with a true narcissist, you may never fully understand how dangerous they are to your health and well-being. It’s the same as going to college for a degree in construction management but never stepping foot on a job site. Until you’ve been in the boxing ring with a narcissist, you’ll never know how they can make you feel.
The unfortunate piece of this is that narcissists have the power to get anything they want but rest easy. There’s not a light at the end of their twisted tunnel.
Narcissists are excellent manifesters.
Don’t shoot the messenger. If you’re tangled up with a narcissist, you must be aware of their powerful mind. Narcissists are master manipulators, and this finely tuned manipulation tactic works wonders with their ability to manifest what they want. Narcissistic people are usually chameleons, which means they can adapt to any environment quickly. Narcissists do whatever they need to do to get what they want.
Adapting to any environment involves becoming what you desire to be, possibly even a different version of yourself. This innate talent makes others believe you are what you want to be. Narcissists are pros at this. They lie without remorse. They plot way ahead of time. They stay in character until the job is done. Narcissists know how to use emotion to get what they want, which is a foolproof manifestation strategy. Their entire lifestyle is one big manifestation tool. And they get what they want.
They get what they came for, but they rarely keep it.
Narcissistic people have shaky self-confidence. Their confidence is often contingent on their environment and how outsiders view them. Narcissists are notorious for caring more about what outsiders think of them than their own families. This is often their motivation for molding their images to match the audience they are in front of. For instance, they show up at an event wearing a $75,000 Rolex, and their confidence weighs on that watch. The Rolex makes them feel superior, but when they look over and spot someone wearing a $250,000 Patek Philippe Nautilus, they instantly feel lesser when moments ago, they felt like the most important person in the room.
These energetic ups and downs equate to split thinking in its finest form. Split thinking is no more than good ole’ fashioned doubt, and doubt is a surefire block to our manifestations. Well, let me rephrase that. We are always manifesting. It’s a natural act. We get into a danger zone with manifestation when we fail to realize that; when we fail to realize how this works, we manifest things we don’t want. With the energetic highs and lows that embody the narcissist, they stay in a danger zone with manifestation. They successfully get what they want, but they can’t sustain it.
If you know a narcissist, take a look at their relationship history if you don’t believe me. You’ll quickly discover a pattern of ill-fated relationships.
Karma steps in.
There is a negative connotation associated with karma, but there shouldn’t be. You see, karma comes in two forms — good and evil. A core concept of the law of attraction is that we get back what we put out there. Like attracts like. It’s that simple. If we do good things, we become magnets for good. However, if we operate with bad, malicious intentions, the paybacks are wicked because we position ourselves to match energies that attract bad, nasty things and people.
Karma is the reason most narcissists eventually go down in flames.
When a narcissist is nice to you, it’s not authentic. Their niceness spawns from a hidden motive. They are after something and zone in on people they know can help them retrieve whatever they desire. Once they retrieve what they came for, poof! They’re gone, and you’re left scratching your head and piecing your broken heart back together. Hurting others will manifest horrible things at a rapid pace because of the intense emotions that are involved with this process. Intense emotions manifest into tangible things very quickly.
Here are some observations I’ve made.
For anonymity, I will not reveal the person’s identity. Just know that this person played a significant role in my socialization. I always knew something was off-kilter with this person, but I didn’t figure out what it was until it was too late. The damage to my mind, body, and soul had already been done. Although I severed ties with this person, I was able to forgive them through empathy and by being grateful for the lessons they taught me. Over the course of 35 years, here is what I witnessed with my own two eyes out of a textbook narcissist.
To sit back and watch from afar, it appeared as though this person couldn’t lose financially. Raised in the most profound poverty imaginable, this person escaped, beat all the odds, and became a millionaire. Although this person still possesses the riches, holding on to them has not been easy. Situations that have been bizarre repeatedly occurred out of nowhere, and each situation chipped away at those material possessions. Some recent examples include:
· Buildings burning down — The last fire resulted in a loss of over $3M in assets.
· Home invasion
· Thieving employees — Too many to count.
· Properties destroyed by natural disasters — This person owned an office building located in a complex with about 250 other buildings. A tornado hit, took the roof off of one building, and never touched the others. Who do you think owned that building?
· Failed relationships, which include five expensive divorces and a chain of abusive relationships.
· Arrests — Numerous assault charges and driving under the influence
· Vandalism — People vandalize this person’s property a lot. Circumstances have been unbelievable to watch. This person would buy a $100,000 car, and someone would vandalize it the next day. It was the oddest thing ever because it happened so frequently.
· Fake Friends — Numerous instances of people latching on to steal from this person.
· Chaos — Between constantly fighting with others and a string of stressful business ventures, there is no peace in this person’s life.
· Health Issues — High blood pressure, Alcoholism, Bleeding ulcers, Hardening of the arteries, Hemorrhoids, and Digestive issues
We actually reap what we sow.
There has never been a more accurate statement. Science even backs this claim up. Through quantum physics, we know the law of attraction is real. Everything is energy, and that energy always manifests into our physical reality. So, in conclusion, here’s the deal.
Anyone, including you, can manifest anything they want through their thoughts and emotions. Anything excludes nothing. The Universe doesn’t discriminate. That’s why I refer to it as an equal-opportunity employer. However, since like attracts like, and science shows that is how it works, narcissists are magnets for energies that match disaster, sadness, and turmoil. Even though it might seem like a narcissist has it all, please take a closer look at their affairs. I guarantee it won’t take you long to find a burning building, or ten.
If you made it this far, thank you! I appreciate you spending your most precious asset with me, and that’s your time. Please visit my website at www.paulaswope.com if you haven’t already, and sign up for my monthly newsletter while you’re there. It goes out on the 15th of each month. My newsletters always contain personal development tools that you can use immediately to enhance your spiritual practices and manifestation abilities.
Law Of Attraction
Self Improvement
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