My Experiences with Number Sequences and What They Mean
Paula Swope

My Experiences with Number Sequences and What They Mean 

paula swope award winning best self help author

Do you see number sequences frequently? When you’re driving, do you see 555 and 333 on license plates? Do you look up at the clock and it’s 11:11? If you experience this frequently, listen up! 

Seeing number sequences frequently is a major indicator that you are connected to the source. When we are connected to source, the Universe communicates with us, and number sequences are a medium for the Divine. Problem is most people don’t know what the sequences mean, or why they are always seeing them. 

I see number sequences all day, and that is what I mean by frequently. Seeing number sequences once or twice a year doesn’t count. When we open the lines of communication with the Universe, we receive messages all day every day. 

Right off the bat I want you to know that seeing any number sequence on a regular basis is a great sign! Each time you see a sequence stop and thank the Universe for communicating with you. Great wisdom and guidance are revealed through number sequences, so pay attention. 

Numerous metaphysicians and spiritual teachers have interpreted number sequences, and for the most part I think those interpretations are accurate; however, I have learned more about the meaning of each sequence over the years. Here is my interpretation. 

11, 111, and 1111 

This is the first number sequence I started seeing, and it freaked me out. I had been studying metaphysics and trying to adopt the living on purpose lifestyle for a few months. Confused and fighting with my inner critic and large ego, I surrendered and asked the Universe for guidance. It wasn’t long after I opened the door for communication, I started seeing 111 and 1111 all the time. 

Overall, seeing the number 1 in a sequence means your thoughts are manifesting. Seeing 1111 means your thoughts are manifesting rapidly. The Universe is telling you you’re connected, and to be careful with your thoughts. If you aren’t focused on the good, you’ll attract the bad or what you don’t want. 

Seeing this number sequence is a reminder you are in control of what happens to you, and your control comes from your thoughts. 

Usually, I see this sequence (at least) once per day, and I’ve learned it’s because I am always manifesting. Us big dreamers see 111 and 1111 all the time. Meditators see this sequence a lot, too. I didn’t see number sequences until I started meditating. 

22, 222, and 2222 

Took me a while to figure this one out. For the most part, the 2 sequences symbolize a new beginning. This sequence pops up when I am working on a new project. It also reveals itself when I need clarity. 

Personally, I believe this sequence appears to send a message that I have what it takes to make things happen. 222 and 2222 signify talent. The Universe has shown me this sequence during times when I wanted to quit to tell me to keep going. 

Another observation I’ve made is I see this sequence when I’m doing what I love to do. 

33, 333, and 3333 

When you see this number, I guarantee you are doubting yourself and experiencing fear. This sequence means support. It means you are supported, and the spiritual guides have your back. 

There is nothing to fear. That’s what I have learned. There have been times when I was contemplating a major risk, and the Universe revealed this sequence.

In 2015, I resigned from a job that was sucking the life out of me. Without any money, I started my own business because I refused to be fenced in by some ungrateful employer that would dismiss me at any second. I remember turning my work cell phone in and getting my own. Verizon assigned me a new number that ended in 333. I knew right then I had made the right decision. 

Seven years later, looking back, oh, I definitely made the right decision. Resigning from that job jump started the life I was meant to live. 

44, 444, and 4444 

Credible sources claim the 4 number sequence is favored by the angels. I lean towards this being true. 

Over the past few years, I have taken some big risks. I have experienced miracles beyond my wildest imagination, and I have lived through some of the toughest times of my life. This sequence appears right before something great is going to happen and when something tough is brewing. Through this sequence, the Universe lets me know the angels are closer than ever. 

Yes, I talk to angels. When I see 444 and 4444, I have full blown conversations with the angels, and you should, too. Whatever is happening this sequence shows you the angels are playing a role in your current situation. 

55, 555, and 5555 

Seeing the 5 sequences means a shift is taking place. Consistently I have seen this sequence during times of transition. Sometimes the transitions are good and sometimes they are not so good, but this number lets me know the transition is leading to my highest good. 

Recently, I have been questioning some of my business decisions. Unfortunately, I have learned I was taken advantage of by two of the companies I invested money in. Before I found concrete evidence, the number 5 sequence was literally following me around. I knew information was being revealed to me that would lead to my highest good. 

Knowing the meaning of this sequence and knowing why I see it provides bulletproof guidance. I know once I move on from shady business deals, the door will open for the right partnerships, and it will open immediately. This is what it’s like to live in faith. Instead of seeing obstacles, I see opportunities. 

66, 666, and 6666 

No one wants to see this sequence, right? Historically, the number 6 sequence is associated with Satanism or something dark like the alleged Mark of the Beast. Throw all that mess out. That’s not what it means. 

As a spiritual number sequence, this one symbolizes two things. 

First, your thoughts are not in sync with what you want. Your energy doesn’t match the energy of the good things you want to manifest. I often see this sequence when I am angry about something, and it’s a nudge from the Divine that I need to get back on track. I am being told there is an imbalance in my energy. 

If I make the fatal mistake of watching the news, I tend to see this sequence. 

Second, someone needs your help. After you see this sequence, don’t be surprised if an opportunity to serve arises. Make sure you act on the opportunity and lend a helping hand. Remember the Universe sends tests and warnings. 

77, 777, and 7777 

Your spiritual cup runneth over. The number 7 sequence is associated with luck, and that is somewhat accurate. But us metaphysics practitioners do not believe in luck. That said, this sequence shows up when you are in the best position of your life with your spirituality. 

When you prioritize your spiritual beliefs and you surrender, good things flow to you. Sounds like luck, right? It’s actually YOU that’s attracting miracles. Seeing this sequence is a symbol you’ve reached a high level of spirituality and nothing but good can come from your progress and devotion. 

I’ve noticed I see the 7 sequences during times of change. I see it when I’m adopting a new spiritual practice or when I’m contemplating taking a risk. I remember seeing the sequence when I was trained in Transcendental Meditation, and as it turns out TM took me to a whole other level of happiness, wisdom, and wealth. Very recently I decided to take another path with publishing my books, and I have seen the 7 number sequence everywhere! 

88, 888, and 8888 

You are a magnet for abundance! In my opinion, this sequence is one of the best sequences we see. When the number 8 sequence starts showing itself to you, get ready, because abundance is traveling at the speed of light and it's headed straight for you. 

You’ve done the spiritual work and it’s time to receive it. That’s the message. The Law of Giving and Receiving comes into play big time. Basically, you’ve given, and you’ve given some more and now it’s your turn to receive. 

Make sure you say this out loud when you see the 8 sequence – “Universe, thank you! I am ready to receive it!” 

I’ve seen this sequence on rare occasions, but it presents itself when abundance is close. In my world, a significant miracle manifests about once per year. I see this sequence before it happens and then I see it shortly after the miracle has manifested in physical form. 

Another profound observation I’ve made is the number 8 will join the number 1 sequence when abundance is traveling towards us at full speed. I see 1811 frequently, and I’ve learned that 1811 is telling me two things. 

First, my thoughts have manifested and it’s only a matter of hours or days before I will have what I want. About one week before I met my husband, I saw this number sequence EVERYWHERE! 

Second, the sequence assures me I’m making all the right moves even if it doesn’t seem like it. Typically, I am in a state of turmoil when I see 1811, and 1811 reveals itself to let me know the turmoil is happening for a reason. A consistent pattern in my life has been being pushed out of situations, such as jobs, contracts, and relationships. I see 1811 before a long-awaited desire manifests itself into physical form. 

Relief is my favorite emotion. I feel relieved when I see 1811. 

99, 999, and 9999 

Spiritual experts claim this sequence signifies an ending. I have the least amount of experience with this sequence, but I have made some valid observations. 

I have seen this sequence less frequently than any of the other number sequences, but I’ve noticed it pops up when I am frustrated. I saw 999 last night, which was significant. All day I had gathered evidence to build a case against a contractor I hired, and the evidence pointed towards an inevitable ending. Although I am disappointed about this situation and feel a little foolish for being taken advantage of, seeing 999 lets me know success is right around the corner. 

I needed to learn lessons and terminating my contract with this company is a necessary step to get to where I am supposed to be. Seeing 999 communicates the ending is a great thing. 

In my world, the number 9 joins the 6 sequence from time to time, and it makes sense. For instance, I often see 6699. I view this sequence as a warning. Either my thoughts are imbalanced or I’m stepping into a situation that isn’t right for me. 

My husband and I bought our first home together in 2015 and the address was 6699. I almost backed out of the contract because of the number sequence but decided there was something I needed to learn. We lived there for six years. Will and I were happy, grounded people, but that house brought some turbulent times. After we sold it, we experienced more peace. 

When you notice 6699 popping up, stop and think about what is going on in your world. Are you making an important decision? Have you met someone new? Be aware of what’s happening and know that the number sequence is there to give you a head’s up. I suggest immediately asking the Universe for guidance when you see it. 

If you want to know more about number sequences, let me know. I’m happy to talk more about this. Email me at

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