“I Can’t” Is the Worst Thing You Can Say
Paula Swope
I have heard people say words are just words, and maybe that is true in some cases, but within the realm of metaphysics words are highly significant. Words are significant because they are correlated with the quality of our life and the experiences we have daily. Certain words we say out loud can make us or break us, and there are two words you are saying regularly that are blocking you from achieving your highest good – “I Can’t.” 

“I can’t” statements will hold you back in life in more ways than one. Again, always remember, you are what you believe you are; therefore, if you believe you can’t do something then you can’t do it. “I can’t” is the most self-defeating thought you can have because the Universe responds to what we think about and talk about the most. Think about what happens when you constantly say, “I can’t.” Allow me to paint a picture. 

Back in the day, I went on many job interviews. I always searching for the perfect employment opportunity, but as I looked through want ads or job opportunities in the newspaper, I thought to myself, “I can’t get that job. I would love to have that job, but I can’t get it. I can’t compete with the other candidates. I’m sure of it.” Those were my thoughts as I searched for jobs. 

When I applied, and got called in for a job interview, my thoughts were, “This is a waste of time. They aren’t going to hire me, because I can’t compete with the experience of the other candidates.” I had conversations with people that went something like this: 

Me: Well, I’ve got another job interview tomorrow. 
Friend: Oh great! Are you excited? 
Me: No. Why would I be? It’s a waste of time going to this interview. They aren’t going to hire me. 
Friend: Why do you say that? 
Me: Listen, I can’t compete with those other candidates. I am sure they outrank me in experience. Besides, I can’t ever seem to get the jobs I want. Something always interferes. 
Friend: I hate to hear you feel that way because you might get hired. Maybe you should look at it differently? 
Me: I can’t look at it any other way. It’s my reality. I can’t get ahead. Ever. 

Thinking this way caused me to not get hired. My “I can’t” mentality made the decision for the employer. I am not sure exactly how many job interviews I went on when I was a negative thinker but it was A LOT, and I never got hired. 

Not only did I have myself convinced that I could not do certain things, but I also had others convinced. So, it was not only me that was sending negative messages to the Universe. I had other people thinking that I could not accomplish anything. What this created was a snowball effect, a chain reaction, that led to one bad, disappointing experience after another, and these experiences were not just career related. I had bad experiences with everything from going out to dinner to more serious things like relationships with people. 

The scary part about the “I can’t” mentality-driven person is that they often do not realize they are an “I can’t” person. Unconsciously thinking and saying “I can’t” is dangerous to our health and well-being, and when “I can’t” is our automatic response to anything our lives are going to be one big disappointment. Trust me. I know. I have lived this. 

But there is light at the end of this never-ending tunnel if you are willing to make a shift in your thoughts. Before you know it, you think differently, speak differently, behave differently, and the Universe, in turn, responds to you differently. Let me show you how this is done. 

You are going to eliminate “I can’t” from your vocabulary and you are going to replace these two words with different words that are self-empowering. When “I can’t” rears its evil head, immediately change the thought with “I intend to (insert your desire here).” Go back to your “I am” statements when you struggle with diminishing those false “I can’t” thoughts and replace “I can’t” with “I am wealthy. I am successful. I am receiving abundance. I am capable.” It will not be long until you are thinking and saying out loud that you CAN do things. 

When I first started doing this, I did not believe what I was thinking, and I did not believe what I was saying. The negative stuff, the bad stuff, was easier for me to believe, so my mind and body pushed back with a vengeance when I started changing my thoughts. I stuck with my new way of thinking despite the doubt that crept in every time I said, “I can.” And, one day, suddenly I believed what I was thinking and saying, and it was not long until I manifested my first dream job. Notice I say my first dream job. I have manifested three dream jobs in my lifetime with my “I can” mindset and am working my way towards a fourth. 

First step is to recognize how often you think and use the words “I can’t.” Think about the conversations you have with others. Do you vocalize “I can’t” a lot? If you do, become aware that you are doing this, so you can make shifts in your thoughts when “I can’t” shows up. Consider “I can’t” to be comparable to the “f” word. Saying the “f” word offends people; therefore, we only use it in certain company or not at all. View “I can’t” this way. View it as the forbidden fruit. You cannot use the words, or you will be punished with disappointing experiences. 

Check out my latest YouTube video here: (insert link). I give you some pointers on how to eliminate your “I can’t” mindset. As always, I want to hear your personal stories and your experiences as you work through ridding your world of self-defeating thoughts and words. Share those with me if you feel comfortable through commenting below, or email me at paula@paulaswope.com. 


Much Love, 


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