How to Accept Your Awards from the Universe: Eight Easy Steps

How to Accept Your Awards from the Universe: Eight Easy Steps

How to Accept Your Awards from the Universe: Eight Easy Steps

I am always coming up with new manifestation techniques for you to try. This one is super simple and super fun! You are going to write an acceptance speech for the purposing of claiming what is yours. Below I outline how to do this in eight easy steps.

Are you ready? Good. Let’s roll!

First Step: Plan Your Life Out Five Years in Advance

Think through everything you want to manifest. Create a 2027 version of yourself. Hold that image in your mind. You’ll see other images will latch on to that image of your ideal self. Capture those images, write them down, and be very specific with the details. Pay attention to what comes to mind, because that’s your intuition talking to you.

Second Step: Watch Your Favorite Acceptance Speeches

Personally, I have been moved by some of my favorite celebrities’ acceptance speeches at famous award ceremonies, such as the Oscars. Matthew McConaughey and Jamie Foxx come to mind immediately when I think about the most heartfelt acceptance speeches. These speeches inspired me to create this manifestation technique! Search for some of your favorite speeches and let the inspiration flow through you.

Third Step: Notice How People Speak

Everyone that delivers a compelling acceptance speech has one thing in common. They speak in the present tense because everything they are thanking people for has already occurred. That’s exactly how you will write your acceptance speech. You will thank the Universe in the present tense as though everything you are expressing gratitude for has already shown up in physical form.

Here’s an example of what this might look like. Let’s say you want to manifest a dream home. You might say something like this…

Universe, as I stand here before everyone that helped me get to where I am today, I want to express my unwavering gratitude for my beautiful home in (state geographical information here). I live in a (insert square footage) home with a view of (insert desired view here). Each day, I enjoy the luxury of having (insert desired amenities here) right in the comfort of my own home. Not only did you give me the power to manifest my dream home, but you also arranged for me to buy it at a price that was way lower than market value! I am in bewildered awe of everything I have accomplished, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you! Let’s keep our relationship thriving.

Fourth Step: Write Your Speech and Deliver It

Use the specific details of your 2027 self and write your speech. Once you’re satisfied with it, deliver the speech in front of a mirror. Better yet, if you have a manifestation buddy (everyone needs one of those) deliver it in front of that person.

Fifth Step: Record Your Speech

When you are completely comfortable delivering your speech, record yourself and listen to it throughout the day. Do this until you feel as though you already have your most wanted desires. Speak your truth and listen to it until having that manifestation feels real and natural to you.

Sixth Step: Let It Go

At some point, if you do this spiritual exercise the way I am telling you to do it, you will become completely delusional. You will feel like you already have that manifestation in hand. As a matter of fact, your actual reality will seem strange because you will already be living in the reality you created in your speech. Once you feel this way, let it all go. Assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled (as explained by Wayne Dyer) means you have surrendered everything, and you are allowing the Universe to do the dirty work for you.

Seventh Step: Express Gratitude in the Present Tense

Every single day, dedicate time to sitting in gratitude for your intended manifestation. Thank the Universe in the present tense as though you already have the manifestation. This is a very important practice, because it helps to deter split thinking (aka DOUBT).

Eighth and Final Step: Take Divinely Guided Action

Act towards bringing your intended desires to fruition. Ask the Universe to guide you towards taking the right actions. You’ll find yourself mingling with the right people at the right time and in the right place. Be open to new people and new opportunities during this process. Things that seem out of the ordinary will probably happen. Roll with it. Trust the process. Ask the Universe to help you to live in faith.

Whatever you want you can conjure it up IF you believe you can have it. The mind can work miracles. Unlike your physical body, your desires are ageless. Keep this in mind during moments of self-doubt. All you must do is work on elevating your energetic vibration to match that of the things you want and deserve.

Right now, stop what you’re doing and say this, “I am deserving.”

If you need support with getting to where you need to be energetically, consider joining my 30-Day Manifestation Challenge. There hasn’t been one person that has gone through the Challenge that hasn’t loved it AND experienced results. Get signed up right here — Paula Swope | Self-Help Author. I’m offering a discount code between now and January 8, 2023. Use the code MANIFEST5 at checkout and you’ll receive $5 off your $37 registration fee. I promise it will be the best $32 you ever spend.

Last, but certainly not least, thank you. I appreciate you giving up your most precious asset to read my article.

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