Paula, when will your book be available for purchase?
Beginning of March 2021! I got my ISBN the other day.
How much will your book cost and will it be available as an e-book?
Paperback - $19.95
Hardcover - $24.95
eBook - $15.00
You will be able to download the eBook from my website and other vendors, such as Amazon.
How many chapters are in your book and how long is it? Is it an easy read?
My book has 13 chapters total, and it is an easy read. Chapter 13 is the actual curriculum. I outline weekly exercises you can do to reverse your negative thinking patterns. The book will be under 200 pages.
I do not understand what you mean when you classify this book as a teaching memoir. What is a teaching memoir and what is the purpose of a book like that?
The first five chapters are dedicated to telling stories. These stories are about my family and how certain family members were socialized to think and behave negatively and then those people passed on their negative traits to the next generation and the next generation and the next generation. My goal for telling these stories is to make you aware of how major influencers in your life shape the way you think, and this happens often before you are old enough to even realize you are being taught to think and act negatively.
First step to changing your negative thinking patterns is to become aware that you are a negative thinker and how you became like that. Odds are it is not your fault. Hearing my stories and my willingness to be vulnerable enough to tell those stories will hopefully help you realize that you might be dealing with the same types of negative influences.
Chapters 6-13 are dedicated to teaching you exercises that reverse negative thinking patterns. These are easy exercises that I used to absolutely turn my life around. I call the changes I have made going from havoc to happiness, and I did it all through applying metaphysical concepts, such as the Laws of Attraction, in my daily life.
I understand this is your first book. Do you plan to write more?
Yes! I already have two in the works. One is a children’s book, and it should be available by the summer of 2021. The other one is another metaphysics book about manifestation. I am going to keep telling you my success stories with manifestation and I am dedicated to teaching anyone who wants to learn how to have the same success.
Do you plan to do speaking engagements?
YES! Absolutely. First, I am going to offer virtual sessions online for people that need help working through the material and applying the concepts in their real world settings while my stage material is being designed.
What does your target audience look like? Is this book suitable for a teenager?
When I wrote this book, I had young Paula in mind. I really struggled from the ages of 16 – 29. Because of my negative thinking, I had a distorted view of the world and the role I played in it. My thoughts and behaviors held me back in life. Had I known about metaphysics at a younger age, I would be ruling the world right now. I would have been able to spot toxic people and toxic situations better, which would have saved me a lot of heartache. Plus, I would have realized that most of the things I had been taught to believe were not true and that would have made me realize a lot earlier in life that I was a negative thinker and a toxic personality. I had no idea I was my worst enemy until I found metaphysics.
So, yes, this book is suitable for a teenager. Depending on the young person’s maturity level, I know my book would be life changing for a teenager. The material is easy to comprehend, and there is a reason for that. Some people are intimidated to explore metaphysics because they think they cannot learn. I simplify metaphysics in my book, and I guarantee that anyone will be able to understand if they want to understand. Anyone can do these exercises and it does not matter your age, income, gender, race, whatever. I do, however, foresee my material resonating with women more than men because of the nature of the stories I tell, but men can certainly benefit, as well.