Two things you need to know that will make your life easier.
#1. The Law of Attraction is real.
#2. You control the Law of Attraction with your thoughts, words, and actions, which means you have control over every aspect of your life.
Too good to be true? No. You see the Law of Attraction (LOA) also has the power to destroy your life, because it cannot distinguish between good and bad. LOA gives you what you think about and talk about the most. LOA gives you tangible and non-tangible “things” that match how you feel overall, and it does not discriminate. Your past doesn’t matter. Your skin color doesn’t matter. Your sexual preference doesn’t matter. That’s why I call LOA an Equal Opportunity Employer. It’s there for everyone.
This is tricky business. Until you figure out that your thoughts, words, and actions are the Universe’s instructional manual, you might think, talk, and act your way right into the shittiest life ever. I know I did. This is called unconscious creation. You unintentionally attract bad things to you because bad belief systems are embedded in your subconscious mind.
If you doubt LOA, I challenge you to reflect on situations that have been terrible. During these terrible times, how did you feel? Were you consumed by worry, fear, and anxiety? My educated guess is you were consumed by these low-energy emotions for extended periods of time. Am I right?
Here’s why I say this is tricky business. Many people are completely unaware of how this works. Feeling worried for extended periods of time is dangerous because worry attracts in more things that resemble worry. For instance, when you worry about not having enough money, what happens? In my case, I used to get unexpected bills and emergency expenses when I worried about money CONSTANTLY. The more I talked about my overwhelming worry with others, I got hit with more financial issues. This was a vicious cycle for 20 years, and I had no clue it was all my fault.
Would you take off driving to a destination that you had no clue about how to get there without using your GPS? That would cause a lot of unnecessary stress and confusion when you could simply use your GPS to get there. Thinking and talking about our worries is comparable to not using our GPS when we don’t know where we’re going.
View LOA as a GPS device for getting to where you want to go in life. Think about how careful you are when you enter an address into your GPS. You’re careful because you want to make sure you arrive at the right destination on time. You trust that if you put the right physical address into that GPS you’ll get to where you need to go without any trouble. Place the same amount of trust into LOA, but you must give it the right information to get to where you want to go in life.
Would it make sense to put the wrong address into your GPS? No, it makes zero sense, and the same goes for LOA. It just flat out doesn’t make any sense to focus on our worries when we know how LOA works. Worry attracts worry. Relief attracts relief. Fear attracts fear. Love attracts love.
Whether you realize it or not, you are always manifesting. You’ve been manifesting your entire life. Question is, have you been manifesting what you want, or have you been drawing in chaos? If you’re leaning towards chaos, let me tell you how to get out of this mess.
Here are five specific actions you can take TODAY to start reversing any ridiculousness you may have created with your thoughts, words, and actions.
Become keenly aware of your most dominant thoughts, actions, and words.
Developing self-awareness is the absolute first step to turn things around, so it’s time to take inventory. Do your thoughts, words, and actions represent what you want, or do they represent what you don’t want? Start noticing how you feel throughout the day. What causes your mood to change? When are you in the best mood?
This is important. Becoming aware of the time of day when you feel best is highly significant to manifesting what you want. The best time to intentionally manifest is when we feel great.
Increase your spiritual productivity.
Stop neglecting your spiritual anatomy. We work so hard on the physical aspect of our bodies, and for some reason we neglect the one thing that has more power than any other part of our anatomy. I’m referring to the soul. If you’re not sure how to increase your daily spiritual productivity, start here.
True story. I manifested financial freedom by writing “I am wealthy” over and over again. Of course, I vocalized this mantra, as well, but writing it down gave it even more power. When I was bored during a work meeting, I would use that time to write my mantra. Writing “I am wealthy” 500 times per day was my norm for a long time, and it worked to reverse old belief systems I had about wealth. I believed I was wealthy before I was. When you believe you have something when you technically don’t, that’s when you see it.
Return your negative thoughts and exchange them for thoughts that serve your highest good.
I am not telling you to force positive thinking, but you need a strategy to kick those thoughts out that do not reflect what you want. Play around with the following strategies.
Is it true?
I don’t know about you but listening to Elvis Presley changes my mood almost instantly. Think about songs and movies that cheer you up, and on those bad days listen to those songs and watch those movies.
Practice gratitude.
After you finish reading this article, make a list of everything you are grateful for. No matter how bad a person’s attitude is, there is one thing they can be grateful for — Breath. Without our breath, we’re done. Gratitude has an energy frequency that matches the frequency of miracles. When you can feel grateful during moments of negativity, you can master manifestation.
View gratitude from this angle. Let’s say there’s someone you’re jealous of. Jealousy is an interchangeable term with hate, in my opinion, because it robs us of so much feel-good energy. Gratitude kills jealousy, so try this the next time you feel jealous of another person.
Other ways you can strengthen your gratefulness is through extending kindness, helping someone without expecting anything in return, and pay yourself a compliment.
Right now, in this very moment, think about what you love most about yourself. Once you zone in on that quality, decide how you can use that quality to strengthen your relationship with LOA.
Loving yourself eventually leads to forgiveness, and the easier you can forgive the better off you’ll be. Forgiveness is for you. People with the highest levels of emotional intelligence forgive easily, and the quality of their lives reflect how they feel. Harboring anger and resentment block your highest good. An unwillingness to forgive hurts you and only you.
Say It IS So
You control your narrative. Do not allow anyone else to control YOUR narrative, so take back your control right now by speaking differently. When you say it IS so, you’re affirming you have something that you don’t. Saying it IS so is the same as speaking things into existence.
Here’s some language to play around with…
You hate your job.
Instead of constantly affirming to yourself and to others that you hate your job, speak this way instead.
I am grateful for this job, because it pays my bills; however, something better is coming along and I am excited about what is in store for me.
You aren’t happy with where you live.
Complaining about your home is not going to get you in one that you love. Stop complaining and start saying something like this.
I am looking forward to living in a happy, beautiful home, and my intention is to find this place very soon.
You are sick.
Never ever speak about being sick. No matter how tempted you are to complain about sickness, don’t. Change your narrative and say this when you aren’t feeling well.
My intention is to feel good, and I know that my mind and body are working together to make that happen. I am on my way to feeling better right now, and I am grateful for my perfect health.
You can use the Say It IS So method with any issue you have. Switching up your language is powerful, and you’ll reap benefits quicker than you may anticipate. Remember you must always speak in the present tense when you use this method.
Although manifestation is something we do naturally, I believe some people need to be taught. I was one of those people. Before I learned about the mechanics of manifestation, I had no idea that I was the one wreaking havoc on my life.
In the event you want to learn more about LOA and how you can strengthen your manifestation abilities, join me this Friday, August 19, 2022, 6–8pm EST, for a virtual Law of Attraction workshop. My goal is to boost the self-confidence you have about your abilities to manifest the life you have always wanted, because you can do that. We’ll be workshopping a customized mantra to use throughout the day and during meditation. You walk away with an invaluable spiritual tool you can use for the rest of your life.
The following link takes you straight to registration:
Like my style? Consider signing up for my monthly newsletter. Visit to subscribe. You’ll receive a newsletter on the 15th each month, and it’s not any ole’ newsletter. Yes, I have some announcements, but for the most part I fuel you with tons of spiritual tools that increase your spiritual productivity. When you increase your spiritual productivity, you empower your greatest desires to manifest themselves in physical form. LOA is real, and it’s available to all of us. Might as well take full advantage of it instead of settling for a less than mediocre existence, and the time to do this is now.
P.S. Regardless of what you’ve been told, you can obtain the life you’ve always dreamed of. Miracles aren’t reserved for saints. Sinners can manifest miracles, too.
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